Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sad News

Ted and Barret's Granny had a heart attack and died yesterday.  Barret really doesn't understand anything yet, but we told Ted and he was a little sad, but too young to have a real breakdown.  He was so sweet!  He said, "Well, at least we have the rest of our family."  And he said that the last time he saw Granny, she played Legos with him.  "Those were the days." he said, which I thought was very cute and as funny as it could be, given the circumstances.  He did say that Grandad would be the saddest since Granny was his husband, which gave us a much needed moment of comic relief.  Barret said, "Granny Penguins Christmas" which surpirsed me a little.  Granny gave him the penguins computer game for Christmas, which he is obsessed with.  So, he may understand a little.  I took him to her room and told him that she was gone and that we would miss her.  The boys (including Dave) are getting real suits with ties for the funeral, so I can't wait to see them looking like little men!  She'll have a viewing at Laughlin Funeral Home on Sunday in the same room that my brother Scott was in for his.  This is just really hard for us because we were so close to Dave's mom.  I know this is a sad post, but I wanted to remember and share how the boys are doing.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Never teach your 7 yr old advance I.T. messaging techniques

Neil set up IM Messenging on Sydney's computer, you know, so he doesn't have to come upstairs to tell them to get ready for bed, brush their teeth, etc. while I'm gone. Well, here's an example of how the system works:

Message from TINKERBELL (Sydney) to Main (Neil) on 1/13/09 6:18:26 PM
"we are going to have hotpockets and that is that."