Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chicken Dance

NEVER pass up an opportunity to do the chicken dance.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Bama, Boxes & Blogging - a Recap of my Last Month

just wanted to give y'all an update since i've been out of touch for a bit. this is partly due to the fact that we have been moving...combined with the fact that both of us work full time plus i am a student of web design, plus i play on 2 soccer teams and still manage to perform spectacularly as the matriarch of my household, all while upholding my southern-woman responsibility of looking beautiful (ha) :D

it's a good (hectic) life.

matt and i just moved into a new place..we're still living in the midst of boxes and chaos, but we've got a functional bed, toilet and alabama-football-watchin'-spot, so we're good for now. we moved last friday and made it a priority that we'd be ready to watch the alabama game on good ole pay-per-view (damn texas) at 11:30 the next morning..even if it meant sitting 3 feet from the tv in the midst of a sea of boxes. this weekend, we'll be watching the Alabama v. Georgia game in the same sea of boxes, minus maybe one or two.

this weekend is also the Austin City Limits music festival, which sadly we will not be attending. apparently while we weren't paying attention, we got old and domesticated, or at least we will feel that way saturday when we go to our friend's 2-year-old son's birthday party followed by another friend's baby shower, instead of spending the day watching bands, drinking and acting like normal unmarried, childless people our age. or maybe it's the $200 per person price tag that kept us from going...we can go with that for now.

it's friday and i still have t-minus 59 minutes of work. but luckily, fridays at my office = happy hour, making the end of the week much more bearable :)

for those of y'all who don't know, we will be in the great state of Alabama in November to watch Alabama whoop Auburn in Tuscaloosa, my former home!! needless to say we are so excited and already counting the days. it will be thanksgiving, matt's 28th birthday and the momentous day when I finally get to watch alabama beat auburn.

Before the inevitable starts, NO, we will NOT be going to Huntsville on that trip! We are already driving to B-ham (12 hours) and we don't have that much time. if any of you huntsvillians wants to meet us 1/10th of the way, you are welcome to come to B-ham that Friday (after turkey day) and visit :) saturday we'll be gone to t-town to get started on the drinking fest that precedes all alabama games, regardless of the time they start.



Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ted's Sandwich

I taught Ted how to have a staring contest last night.  He's really good, as I once was.  *sigh* Everything is just too funny to me now, coming out of a 6 year old's mouth, anyway.  Here's about how it went:

Ted: On your mark, get set, I'm going to poop in my bed tonight so you'll have to clean it up...GO!

Ted: On your mark, get set, I'm going to knock out all my teeth and make you eat them while you're asleep....GO!

Ted:  On your mark, get set, I'm going to have diarrhea in a cup and then drink it, yum,.....GO!

Ted:  On your mark, get set, I'm going to get up after you go to sleep and make you an eyebrow hair, booger and teeth sandwich that you can eat for breakfast....GO!

Ted:  On your mark, get set, I'm going to shave off all of my hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, then run around the house screaming that I can't stop tooting even for a second......GO!

Ted: On your mark, get set, I'm going to fart so bad that the whole room will turn brown and your eyelids will rot off.....GO!

Ted:  On your mark, get set, I'm going to make you a shirt out of eyelids and make you wear it to the grocery store.....GO!

I think that he may be a little disturbed....but he won.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shana and Ally's Conversation on the way home from Daycare.

Shana: "So, Ally, your birthday is coming up (actually Christmas). What do you think you want?"

Ally: (thinking)

Shana: "Would you like to go someplace special?"

Ally: (no hesitation) "Yes! Panera Bread!"

Shana: (laughing)

Ally: (thinks a minute)

Ally: "And you know what mommy? I like Corvettes."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rules of the Redneck Wedding for Yankees (i.e. anyone north of Jackson)

If you are a yankee invited to a Redneck Wedding, there are some rules that you must follow.  
1. Be prepared to admit that rednecks make purdier kids than you.

2. Jelly light up flip-flops are considered appropriate dress shoes before Labor Day in the south.

3. Make sure that the bride knows that she's the purdiest one in the bar. "Ooooooooo-WEEE!" is rarely lost in translation by the redneck bride.

4. It isn't polite to tell new family members that they are gay, over and over again, no matter how gay they might appear to be.

5. Make sure that no one is drunker'n you at the reception.

6. Don't let the cows out when you arrive at the church in your best Sunday dress.

7. One hour before the wedding, you have to get drunk in the woods while rustlin' up some grub with your family.

8. When attending a redneck wedding, you wash yo' chillins in the creek as to not waste any gettin' drunk time before the ceremony.

Follow these rules and you're sure to blend in enough to not get kilt.  

4 Signs You've Just Attended a Mississippi Wedding

The bride confuses her new husband for his brother...

and her uncle!

Your sister tries to lick your boyfriend...and he likes it.

...and the marriage is consummated in a bar!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sydney Quote

I haven't had a bath in 3 days! I haven't had a bath in 3 days! I haven't had a bath in 3 days!

Then I made her bathe, and she came down with clean braided wet hair.  She rubbed the shampoo between each little overlap of hair so that it would stay braided for a few more days.  

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ted's Religious Views

We were on the arsenal for Octoberfest yesterday and Ted saw three crosses on top of a hill.  He rolled his eyes and said, "There's where that guy that turned out to be God got hung up by a rope." 

Barret likes to turn himself into a see-saw when he pees.  Let me see if I can describe it, I'll have to put up a picture tomorrow.  He first strips down to just about nothing.  Then, he holds on to the toilet rim with both hands down by his hips.  He slowly lifts his feet off of the floor until he is suspended at about a 45 degree angle.  Then he pees while he is balanced there.  He gets really mad if you try to break his concentration.  He will be a great gymnast someday.

Here's a link to Barret's awesome new school:    
Keep your fingers crossed for him to get in soon! 
Love, Stacy

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sydney to her friends Emma and Hayden: "I'm a good dancer. I'm, like, a PRO-FES-SION-AL."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our Trip to Mississippi-Melissa's Wedding

Yay!  We had fun in Mississippi.  Cooked some hot dogs at the creek and had some of Daddy's green tea margaritas.  He must be getting old if he can't handle a full strength margarita.  The kids had a ball in the creek and so did we.  Matt got to look for arrowheads, I found some petrified fish eggs, and we all made watermellon boats.  Aunt Pansy and Uncle Pat converted MawMaw's front room into a little version of their house and it was really neat!  Natalie, Ross, Will, Ted, Barret, Sydney and Ally had a ball together.  

Luke was the preacher for the wedding.  Melissa told us about it and Shana said, "Luke is a preacher?!?"  Melissa said that we should hear that man speak.  Shana said, "He's a man?!?"  It was funny.  We got to see Jacobs kids (who look like Syndney) and his wife who is just like Aunt Nelda.  I didn't know there was anyone in the world like Aunt Nelda, but he managed to find one.  She must be related to Aunt Nelda, which I guess is okay in Mississippi.  

We executed the fastest car decoration in history, topping out at one minute.  Shana and I got to ride back in hurricane evacuation traffic.  Our 4.5 hour trip turned into near 10, but we didn't really care because we ate Mexican food at the end.  Pam, you understand.  The Three Silly Seestors love some Mexican food.  Mexicans make really good food for us.  :)  

Ted, Sydney, Barret and Ally made up words to "These are the People in our Neighborhood" for the last two hours of the trip.

These are the people in our neighborhood,
In our neighborhood, in our neigh-bor-hood, Oh
These are the people in our neighborhood.

1st verse, sydney:
They're the people that you eat,
When you really want some meat!
They're the people that you eat,
Each daaaaaaaaay!

These are the people in our neighborhood,
In our neighborhood, in our neigh-bor-hood, Oh
These are the people in our neighborhood.

2nd verse, Ted:
They're the people that you like,
When you really need a bike!
They're the people that you like,
Each daaaaaaaaaaay!

These are the people in our neighborhood,
In our neighborhood, in our neigh-bor-hood, Oh
These are the people in our neighborhood.

3rd verse, Ally:
They're the people that we munch,
When we really want some lunch!
They're the people that we munch,
Each daaaaaaaaaaaaay!

These are the people in our neighborhood,
In our neighborhood, in our neigh-bor-hood, Oh
These are the people in our neighborhood.

4th verse, Barret:

These are the people in our neighborhood,
In our neighborhood, in our neigh-bor-hood, Oh
These are the people in our neighborhood.

5th verse, Sydney:
They're the people that you bake,
When you really want some cake!
They're the people that you bake,
Each daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

These are the people in our neighborhood,
In our neighborhood, in our neigh-bor-hood, Oh
These are the people in our neighborhood.

6th verse, Ally:
They're the people that you punch,
When you really need some lunch!
They're the people that you punch,
Each daaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

These are the people in our neighborhood,
In our neighborhood, in our neigh-bor-hood, Oh
These are the people in our neighborhood.

7th verse, Barret:

And so on.  

Quote of the trip:  "Are y'all okay in there?"