Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ted's Religious Views

We were on the arsenal for Octoberfest yesterday and Ted saw three crosses on top of a hill.  He rolled his eyes and said, "There's where that guy that turned out to be God got hung up by a rope." 

Barret likes to turn himself into a see-saw when he pees.  Let me see if I can describe it, I'll have to put up a picture tomorrow.  He first strips down to just about nothing.  Then, he holds on to the toilet rim with both hands down by his hips.  He slowly lifts his feet off of the floor until he is suspended at about a 45 degree angle.  Then he pees while he is balanced there.  He gets really mad if you try to break his concentration.  He will be a great gymnast someday.

Here's a link to Barret's awesome new school:    
Keep your fingers crossed for him to get in soon! 
Love, Stacy

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