Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I love you I hate you

This is the SADDEST note I've ever gotten.
Sydney was in trouble and sent to her room.
This is what was left on my pillow. (And yes it makes me sound like the worst mom EV-ERR)
(Imagine 2nd grade handwritten note on bright green post it paper)

"Mommy I am very sorry but uv'e ben so mean to me day After day After day so try to be a little better but rit now I have to say I hate you. Love, Sydney (heart)".

Then at the bottom is a Big heart with two smaller hearts inside, with "I love you" in the middle and another little heart.


Shana, Stacy and Pamela said...

you win the bad mom moment of the week. your prize is a pedicure, so go get yourself one! love, stacy

Shana, Stacy and Pamela said...

"That was so sad that even *I* am trying not to smile!"